A man in uniform wearing a hat and jacket.

Glen T. Niederhauser

Born in Marshalltown in 1910, Glen T. Niederhauser quit high school to help on the family dairy farm. He earned his pilot’s license in 1929. He was a barnstormer and flew the first air mail route between Marshalltown and Des Moines.

Glen and his four brothers established Marshalltown’s first airport. In 1942-1943, they also established a pilot training site for Army Cadets. During the later stages of the war, Glen enlisted in the Navy. He was sent to Dallas and New Orleans as a flight instructor and then served as a check pilot, aerobatics instructor and engineering officer at the U. S. Navy facility in Ottumwa, Iowa.

After the war, he operated the Waterloo airport until his retirement in 1975.

Glen died in September of 2002.

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